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The Season Of

Standing Steadfast

1 Corinthians 15:58
Therefore, my beloved brothers and sisters, be steadfast, immovable, always excelling in the work of the Lord, because you know that in the Lord your labor is not in vain.

My Beloved Oak Grove Family,

In Paul’s letter to the Church at Corinth, he encourages, admonishes, and instructs the people regarding various things. In the 15th chapter, Paul speaks more specifically about the resurrection of Jesus and links it to the resurrection that we as believers have—as an eternal benefit of our relationship with the Lord. He emphasizes that we have the victory in Christ Jesus, even over death. As the chapter draws to a close, Paul seals his soliloquy this way, Therefore, my beloved brothers and sisters, be steadfast, immovable, always excelling in the work of the Lord, because you know that in the Lord, your labor is not in vain.

Paul saying because we have the ultimate victory in Christ Jesus, it behooves us to be steadfast, immovable, firmly planted, deeply rooted, committed, consistent, unwavering, unyielding, dependable, determined, and anchored. Paul instructs the Corinthians to always abound and excel in the work of the Lord, knowing that their labor would not be in vain.

Beloved, like the Church at Corinth, God is calling us to be steadfast.  This is The Season of Standing Steadfast. This is the season that each and every one of us needs to make up our minds that we will be firmly planted, deeply rooted, committed, consistent, unwavering, and unyielding in everything that God has called us to do. For too long, we have allowed the enemy to derail God’s plan for us. For too long, we have started a process and failed to see it through. For too long, we have contently occupied the background—even though God has called us to lead. For too long, we have allowed ourselves to be mistreated, overlooked, pushed aside, and even disrespected. However, in this season, we must stand steadfast in all that God leads us to do.

Most of all, it is my prayer that you will find the wherewithal to stand steadfast.

In Christ,
Pastor Cindy Rudolph

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19801 Cherrylawn, Detroit, MI 48221

(313) 341-8877

Office Hours:
Tu-F 10:00AM - 6:00PM

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Service Information

Our in-person Worship Service is held at 9 a.m. In-person Church School for grades K-Grade 12 is held in the lower level of the church.  It begins at 8:45 a.m.

Please plan to arrive at 8:15 a.m. to be seated by 8:50 a.m.  Additional seating will be available in the Fellowship Hall should our sanctuary be filled. Also, masks are optional. Masks will be provided if you forget to bring one. 

We appreciate your cooperation as we navigate through this new normal. If you haven't been vaccinated we encourage you to do so. This is another step towards healthy and safe worship for all. See you in Worship!

You may continue to  join us on  Facebook Live and YouTube Live  and our website each and every Sunday at 9 a.m. EST. 

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